You need a proper marketing strategy to reach your target market, which you will turn into leads then convert for sales. By using a working strategy you increase your business traffic and the income. Over the years, marketing strategies have been changing depending on the available technology and customer preference.
Currently, influencer marketing remains an ideal way to reach your prospective customers. Instead of pulling up a whole billboard or pay for an advert, look for an influencer with massive following. Here are the reasons why.
- Easy customer targeting
Nobody likes advertisement, most so if it’s a product or service they don’t think they need. When you use the traditional ads, there is the possibility that one skips the ads or fails to listen at all. There is a reason why most people would rather pay for premium services on music streaming platforms to avoid the ads. By going the same route, you will not reach the target audience. Instead, you will be associated with annoyance.
For an influencer, they have a following who are willing to consume whatever content they offer. Instead of looking at it as an ad, it appears more like a solution for their pressing needs.
- Source of user generated content
Unlike in traditional advertisements where you have to create all content, Influencers will handle all the content needs. First they already have an established system that the fans appreciate. Your product or services will only be an additional part of that process. The beauty about this is the social proof it comes with. Prospective clients are likely to trust you more when they learn about you from other people they can relate with.
You can also repurpose this content for use in your other social media platforms. You only need to talk to Green Thoughts consulting to create a platform you can post the different type of content. Have a blog that can have videos, audios and other content formats.
- Affordability
The other importance of hiring an influencer marketer is the lower costs it comes with. Compared with the other traditional ads platforms like TVs, influencers are less costly.
Yes, there are the big Influencers with millions of followers who will charge thousands of dollars per post. You don’t have to worry about them when starting out. Instead, look for the micro influencers with around ten thousand followers. They have more targeted reach and in most cases you don’t have to pay anything. Instead, you can offer free products or discounts. Immediately you spend money then it’s advertising not marketing.
- Customer feedback
The other reason to use influencer marketing is the direct customer feedback. Influencers interact closely with their fans. As such they will always get the right feedback once they have used your product. Follow the comment section once an influencer talks about your products to the followers. Take notes on the areas to improve, competition and other information for the best product.
Bottom line
Influencers marketing is an effective way to reach protective clients. Most influencers have specific niches hence the best option for targeted audience.