Some of the characteristics of a good teacher include communication skills, listening, cooperation, adaptation, empathy and patience. Other features of effective teaching include attractive classroom presence, value in real-world learning, sharing best practices, and a lifelong love of learning.
A good teacher, like Jonathan Ullmer, can make a difference in a student’s life, affecting everything from learning in their classroom to their long-term success. If you are considering a career in education – or want to pursue a career with a Master of Education (MED) – it is important to find out the qualities of a good teacher.
Who is a Good Educator?
1. A good teacher builds trust.
In his book 50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior, Todd Whitaker, a middle school teacher, highlights the low self-esteem of students as one of the most persistent obstacles to success for any teacher.
2. A good teacher manages the classroom effectively.
A teacher can be conscious, willing – and even a great coordinator – but still fails because of the failure to deal with abuse in the classroom.
3. Makes a good teacher.
Every day an effective teacher comes into the classroom ready to teach. In his influential book, The Quality of Effective Teachers, James Strong writes, “Time management and preparation of materials before instruction are noted as the most important aspects of effective teaching.”
4. There are a lot of expectations attached to a good teacher.
Effective teachers do not set any limits on their students. Their standards are high, they constantly challenge students to perform at their best, and they are caring professionals who teach students to believe in themselves. As a teacher, you know that you should always expect the best from your students and encourage them to learn well.
5. A good teacher reflects himself.
A 2010 study on the role of critical thinking in teacher education declared that teachers should “constantly review their attitudes, behaviours, effectiveness and achievements”. The same study found that critical reflection enhances teachers’ knowledge and skills, knowing that it can help trainers “in-depth understand the methods in which their teaching style is practised.”
6. A good teacher uses teaching strategies.
As most teachers know, traditional, teacher-oriented, lecture-style teaching methods can quickly (for both teachers and students) become disconnected and boring. This is where the deployment of different learning strategies comes into play.
There is no single solution to the question of what makes a great teacher. For those who have never been taughtimagine how diverse and dynamic a skill must be to succeed in a busy, demanding classroom setting.